Voices Co. classes are based at The Arts Centre: Te Matatiki Toi Ora (2 Worcester Boulevard, Christchurch, NZ).
KIDS CREW: $149 per term
JUNIOR, YOUTH & ADULT CREWS: $199 per term
CREW PLUS: $219 per term
SQUADS: $269 per term
GROUP SINGING LESSONS: $189 per term / $169 with another class*
The class fees outlined are our regular ‘Per Term’ rate, which are due prior to classes commencing for the Term.
We do also offer a Payment Plan that students can apply for, and is offered according to its own Terms & Conditions, including an additional 10% administration fee.
There is a 10% family discount available for immediate family members (siblings / parent&child), paying on the same invoice*
Group Singing Lessons are available at the lower rate for existing Voices Co. Students who are also registered for another Academy class that Term (on the same invoice*).
Open Auditions: 19th Dec / 16th - 31st Jan
Squad Call-Backs: Saturday 1st Feb
~ 3:00pm - 3:50pm Junior Squad
~ 4:00pm - 4:50pm Youth Squad
~ 5:00pm - 5:50pm Adult Squad
Vacancy Auditions: July holidays
Please note, auditions are only required for our Squads and Crew Plus programmes. All other classes are open (non-auditioned)!
Summer Bootcamp (Squads / Crew Plus): Saturday 22nd Feb
Heritage & Harmony Concert (Squads): Saturday 29th March
Compulsory rehearsal dates: 8th / 15th / 22nd June
MID YEAR SHOWS: Saturday 28th June
Winter Bootcamp (Squads / Crew Plus): Saturday 19th July
Compulsory rehearsal dates: 9th / 16th / Sat 22nd Nov
END OF YEAR SHOWS: Saturday 29th Nov*
Pop Up Carolling (Crew Plus): Saturday 13th Dec
Carols In The Great Hall (Squads): Sunday 14th Dec
*Date is subject to change, pending venue confirmation.